Publications 2019

Publications 2019

Publications 2019 de l'UMR BOA

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David, S.-A. ; Vitorino Carvalho, A. ; Gimonnet, C. ; Brionne, A. ; Hennequet-Antier, C. ; Piégu, B. ; Crochet, S. ; Couroussé, N. ; Bordeau, T. ; Bigot, Y. ; Collin, A. ; COUSTHAM, V.Frontiers in Genetics, 2019, 10 : 11 p. Article
Gloux, A. ; Duclos, M. J. ; Brionne, A. ; Bourin, M. ; Nys, Y. ; Rehault-Godbert, S.BMC Genomics, 2019, 20 (1)ArticlePièces jointes : Gloux et al-2019.pdf
Metayer-Coustard, S. ; Petit, A. ; Quentin, M. ; Tesseraud, S.INRA Productions Animales, 2019, 32 (3) : 417-430. ArticlePièces jointes : 2941-Texte de l'article-23480-2-10-20191220 (2).pdf
Allais, S. ; Hennequet-Antier, C. ; Berri, C. ; Salles, L. ; Demeure, O. ; Le Bihan-Duval, E.Poultry Science, 2019, online first : early view. ArticleSlow-growing chicken lines are valuable genetic resources for the development of well-perceived alternative free-range production. While there is no constraint on increasing growth rate, breeding programs have to evolve in order to include new traits improving the positioning of such lines in the growing market for parts and processed products. In this study, we used dense genotyping to fine map QTL for chicken growth, body composition, and meat quality traits in view of developing new tools for selection of a slow-growing line. The dataset included a total of 836 birds (10 sires, 87 dams, 739 descendants) and 40,203 SNP. QTL for the 15 traits analyzed were detected by 3 different methods, i.e., linkage and linkage disequilibrium haplotype-based analysis (LDLA), family-based single marker association (FASTA), and Bayesian multi-marker regression (Bayes Cπ). After filtering for QTL redundancy, we found 16, 16, and 9 QTL when using the FASTA, LDLA, and Bayes Cπ methods, respectively, with a threshold of 2.49 × 10-5 for FASTA and LDLA, and a Bayes factor of 150 for the Bayes Cπ analysis. They comprised 17 QTL for body weight, 9 QTL for body composition, and 15 QTL for breast meat quality or behavior at slaughter. The 3 methods agreed in the detection of highly significant QTL such as that detected on GGA24 for body weight at 3, 6, and 9 wk, and the 2 QTL detected on GGA17 and GGA18 for breast meat yield. Several significant QTL were also detected for the different components of breast meat quality. This study provided new locations for investigation in order to improve our understanding of the genetic architecture of growth, carcass composition, and meat quality in the chicken and to develop molecular tools for the selection of these traits in a slow-growing line.
Herault, F. ; Houee-Bigot, M. ; Baeza, E. ; Bouchez, O. ; Esquerre, D. ; Klopp, C. ; Diot, C.BMC Genomics, 2019, 20 : Non paginé. ArticlePièces jointes : 2019_Hérault_BMC Genomics.pdfDuck species are known to have different susceptibility to fatty liver production in response to overfeeding. In order to better describe mechanisms involved in the development of hepatic steatosis and differences between species, transcriptome analyses were conducted on RNAs extracted from the livers of Pekin and Muscovy duck species and of their reciprocal hybrids, Mule and Hinny ducks fed ad libitum or overfed to identify differentially expressed genes and associated functions. After extraction from the liver of ducks from the four genetic types, RNAs were sequenced and sequencing data were analyzed. Hierarchic clustering and principal component analyses of genes expression levels indicated that differences between individuals lie primarily in feeding effect, differences between genetic types being less important. However, Muscovy ducks fed ad libitum and overfed were clustered together. Interestingly, Hinny and Mule hybrid ducks could not be differentiated from each other, according to feeding. Many genes with expression differences between overfed and ad libitum fed ducks were identified in each genetic type. Functional annotation analyses of these differentially expressed genes highlighted some expected functions (carbohydrate and lipid metabolisms) but also some unexpected ones (cell proliferation and immunity). These analyses evidence differences in response to overfeeding between different genetic types and help to better characterize functions involved in hepatic steatosis in ducks.
Thelie, A. ; Rehault-Godbert, S. ; Poirier, J.-C. ; Govoroun, M. ; Fouchécourt, S. ; Blesbois, E.Molecular Reproduction and Development, 2019 : 1-14. ArticlePièces jointes : Thelie et al.2019The seminal plasma is a very complex fluid, which surrounds sperm in semen. It contains numerous proteins including proteases and protease inhibitors that regulate proteolytic processes associated with protein activation and degradation. We previously identified a seminal protein, chicken liver trypsin inhibitor 1 (ClTI‐1) over expressed in semen of roosters with high fertility, suggesting a role in male fertility. In the present study, we showed that ClTI‐1 gene is actually SPINK2. Using normal healthy adult roosters, we showed that SPINK2 amount in seminal plasma was positively correlated with male fertility in chicken lines with highly contrasted genetic backgrounds (broiler and layer lines). Using affinity chromatography combined to mass spectrometry analysis and kinetic assays, we demonstrated for the first time that two chicken acrosin isoforms (acrosin and acrosin‐like proteins) are the physiological serine protease targets of SPINK2 inhibitor. SPINK2 transcript was overexpressed all along the male tract, and the protein was present in the lumen as expected for secreted proteins. Altogether, these data emphasize the role of seminal SPINK2 Kazal‐type inhibitor as an important actor of fertility in birds through its inhibitory action on acrosin isoforms proteins.
Hincke, M. ; Da Silva, M. ; Guyot, N. ; Gautron, J. ; McKee, M. ; Guabiraba-Brito, R. ; Rehault-Godbert, S.Journal of Innate Immunity, 2019, 111 (2) : 111-124. ArticlePièces jointes : 2018_Hincke_Guabiraba_J_Innate_Immunity.pdfThe integrated innate immune features of the calcareous egg and its contents are a critical underpinning of the remarkable evolutionary success of the Aves clade. Beginning at the time of laying, the initial protective structures of the egg, i.e., the biomineralized eggshell, egg-white antimicrobial peptides, and vitelline membrane, are rapidly and dramatically altered during embryonic development. The embryo-generated extra-embryonic tissues (chorioallantoic/amniotic membranes, yolk sac, and associated chambers) are all critical to counteract degradation of primary egg defenses during development. With a focus on the chick embryo (Gallus gallus domesticus), this review describes the progressive transformation of egg innate immunity by embryo-generated structures and mechanisms over the 21-day course of egg incubation, and also discusses the critical interplay between autonomous development and maternal anticipation.
Chartrin, P. ; Bordeau, T. ; Godet, E. ; Meteau, K. ; Gicquel, J. ; Drosnet, E. ; Brière, S. ; Bourin, M.-C. ; Baeza, E.Foods, 2019, 8 (1) : 8. ArticleThe technological, nutritional, and sensorial quality of breasts and thighs with drumsticks of turkey male and female breeders was characterized by comparison with breasts and thighs with drumsticks of growing male and female turkeys from the Grademaker line (hybrid turkeys, n = 20 birds per sex and per physiological stage). The breeder turkeys were slaughtered at 397 and 410 days of age and 10.42 and 32.67 kg of body weight for the females and males, respectively. The standard turkeys were slaughtered at 75 and 103 days of age and 5.89 and 13.48 kg of body weight for the females and males, respectively. The differences observed between males and females on one hand and between standard and breeder turkeys on the other hand were mainly induced by differences in slaughter ages and sexual dimorphism on body weight. The meat of female breeders had characteristics close to those of female and male standard turkeys, whereas the meat of male breeders was clearly distinguishable, particularly by displaying lower tenderness and water holding capacity.
Riou, C. ; Brionne, A. ; Cordeiro, L.-A. ; Harichaux, G. ; Gargaros, A. ; Labas, V. ; Druart, X. ; Gautron, J. ; Gérard, N.Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2019 : Soumis. Article
Ellestad, L. E. ; Cogburn, L. A. ; Simon, J. ; Le Bihan-Duval, E. ; Aggrey, S. E. ; Byerly, M. S. ; Duclos, M. J. ; Porter, TEBMC Genomics, 2019, 20 : 316. ArticleThough intensive genetic selection has led to extraordinary advances in growth rate and feed efficiency in production of meat-type chickens, endocrine processes controlling these traits are still poorly understood. The anterior pituitary gland is a central component of the neuroendocrine system and plays a key role in regulating important physiological processes that directly impact broiler production efficiency, though how differences in pituitary gland function contribute to various growth and body composition phenotypes is not fully understood. Global anterior pituitary gene expression was evaluated on post-hatch weeks 1, 3, 5, and 7 in male broiler chickens selected for high (HG) or low (LG) growth. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were analyzed with gene ontology categorization, self-organizing maps, gene interaction network determination, and upstream regulator identification to uncover novel pituitary genes and pathways contributing to differences in growth and body composition. A total of 263 genes were differentially expressed between HG and LG anterior pituitary glands (P ≤ 0.05 for genetic line-by-age interaction or main effect of line; ≥1.6-fold difference between lines), including genes encoding four anterior pituitary hormones. Genes involved in signal transduction, transcriptional regulation, and vesicle-mediated transport were differentially expressed and are predicted to influence expression and secretion of pituitary hormones. DEGs involved in immune regulation provide evidence that inflammation and response to cellular stressors may compromise pituitary function in LG birds, affecting their ability to adequately produce pituitary hormones. Many DEGs were also predicted to function in processes that regulate organ morphology and angiogenesis, suggesting pituitary gland structure differs between the divergently selected lines. The large number of DEGs within the anterior pituitary gland of birds selected for high or low body weight highlights the importance of this gland in regulating economically important traits such as growth and body composition in broiler chickens. Intracellular signaling, transcriptional regulation, and membrane trafficking are important cellular processes contributing to proper hormone production and secretion. The data also suggest that pituitary function is intimately tied to structure, and organization of the gland could influence hypothalamic and systemic metabolic inputs and delivery of hormones regulating growth and metabolism into peripheral circulation.
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Date de modification : 01 août 2023 | Date de création : 13 mars 2019 | Rédaction : O. Bertel