Dietary methionine deficiency reduces laying performances of female common ducks and impacts traits

Dietary methionine deficiency reduces laying performances of female common ducks and impacts traits of interest of their mule ducklings

Bodin, L. ; Secula, A. ; Chapuis, H. ; Cornuez, A. ; Lessire, M. ; Cobo, E. ; Marie-Louise, S. ; Bonnefont, C. ; Barrieu, J. ; Mercerand, F. ; Bravo, C. ; Manse, H. ; Le Bourhis, M.-C. ; Martin, X. ; Pitel, F. ; Brun, J.- M. ; Morisson, M.Poultry Science, 2019, accepté manuscript no: PS-18-08789.R1Article

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Date de création : 25 juin 2019 | Rédaction : -