Assessment of the body development kinetic of broiler breeders by non-invasive imaging tools

Assessment of the body development kinetic of broiler breeders by non-invasive imaging tools

Grandhaye, J. ; Lecompte, F. ; Staub, C. ; Venturi, E. ; Plotton, I. ; Cailleau-Audouin, E. ; Ganier, P. ; Ramé, C. ; Brière, S. ; Dupont, J. ; Froment, P.Poultry Science, 2019, 98 (9) : 4140-4152. ArticleIn order to determine the body compo-sition of parental broilers during growth from hatch-ing to adulthood (32 wk of age), we evaluated thekinetics of fattening, growth rate, reproduction param-eters, and body composition of the animals by usingnon-invasive tools such as medical imaging (ultrasoundand CT scan) and blood sample analysis. The use ofCT scanner allowed us to monitor the development ofthe body composition (fatness, bone, muscle, ovary, andtestis growth) of these same animals. These analyseswere accompanied by biochemical blood analyses suchas steroids, metabolites, and some adipokines concen-tration. Difference in the body composition betweenmales and females appeared at 16 wk of age. From20 wk of age, shortly before the onset of lay, the fe-males had 1.6-fold more adipose tissues than males(P

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Date de création : 31 juillet 2019 | Rédaction : -